Book Series and Journals
Björn Ahl is founder and editor-in-chief of the Chinese Law and Legal Culture Series (Nomos) and series editor of the China-EU Law Series (Springer). He is a member of the editorial board of the China-EU Law Journal (Springer), the German Journal of Chinese Law (Zeitschrift für Chinesisches Recht) and the advisory board of the Chinese and Comparative Law Series (Brill). He is also one of the co-editors of the Chinese-German Public Law Series (Beijing University Press).
Studien zu Recht und Rechtskultur Chinas (Nomos)
For manuscript submissions please contact the editor-in-chief, Prof. Björn Ahl.
- Heuser/Sprick (2013): Das rechtliche Umfeld des Wirtschaftens in der VR China
- Heuser (2013): Grundriss der Geschichte und Modernisierung des Chinesischen Rechts
- Werner (2014): Der Börsengang in China
- Ahl (2015): Justizreformen in China
- Sprick (2016): Die Grenzen der Notwehr im Strafrecht der VR China
中德公法学论著 (北京大学出版社)