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Peter Ludes (Gastprofessor)

Kultur- und Medienwissenschaftler, hat in Trier und (als Fulbright-Stipendiat) an der Brandeis University (USA) studiert. Nach seiner Promotion in Soziologie war er von 1978 bis 1987 Wiss. Assistent in Wuppertal, 1981/82 Gastprofessor an der kanadischen University of Newfoundland, 1987 Gastdozent an der Universiteit van Amsterdam und 1989 Research Fellow am Center for European Studies der Harvard University. 1987 bis 2000 war er Mitglied im DFG-Sonderforschungsbereich Bildschirmmedien (1995 bis 2000 als 2. Sprecher), 1994 bis 2002 apl.  Professor für Kultur- und Medienwissenschaft an der Universität Siegen; 1994 bis 1996 Vertretungsprofessur für Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft in Mannheim; 2001 Gastprofessur in Konstanz. Professur für Massenkommunikation, Jacobs University Bremen, 2002 bis 2017.

Since April 2018 Visiting Professor at the University of Cologne.

Recent publications on brutalization and banalization (2018); distorted knowledge and repressive power (2019); sociology and China studies (2019, with Merle Schatz); collective myths and decivilizing processes (2020, with Stefan Kramer); contact zones in China (2020, with Merle Schatz and Laura De Giorgi):

(Ed. with S. Kramer) Collective Myths and Decivilizing Processes, Vienna: Lit 2020, http://lit-verlag.de/isbn/3-643-91129-2
This anthology outlines the long-term asymmetrical and asynchronous interdependencies and conflicts of state transformations, market economies, contemporary technologies, shifting power differentials, international relations, and post-democratic totalitarianism. The contributors from the humanities and social sciences focus on developments in the world powers of China and the United States, on collective myths in global economics and recent technological advances re-shaping de-/civilizing processes for the 21st century.

(Ed. with M. Schatz and L. de Giorgi) Contact Zones in China, Oldenbourg: de Gruyter 2020. https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783110663426/html
The local experiences of Italian and German foreigners in China in the 19th and 20th centuries exemplify unexpected patterns of their dissimilar social encounters. Multidimensional long-term rules and conventions, expectations and constraints relate individual biographies and small groups behavior modes with highly steered and administered contact zones. Thereby they point to prerequisites for and preliminary characteristics of the globally relevant Belt and Road Initiative.

Prof. Dr. Peter Ludes
+49 (0)221 470-5434
Raum: 3.05
