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Yi Sun (Non-Resident Fellow)


SUN Yi is research associate at the Chair of Chinese Legal Culture and is also concurrently doing his PhD research at Institute for International Law, Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich. 


Curriculum Vitae

SUN Yi graduated from Peking University Law School in 2017, with an LL.M. degree in Constitutional and Administrative Law. His thesis on states’ positive obligation to protect the right to life was awarded “excellent thesis” of the year. Prior to that, he studied law and business administration at Renmin University of China and received LL.B. and B.B.A. degrees in 2014. 

In 2013, he passed the Chinese National Judicial Examination with high scores and qualified for Chinese Bar. He also interned at the European Court of Human Rights, clerking for the then judge from Austria.

His research interests include constitutional law as well as international human rights law, in particular their inter-relationship. He is currently member of the Chair’s Chinese Fundamental Rights Jurisprudence team.


Selected Publications

  •  里卡多•佩林热罗:“拉美行政审判的当代挑战”,孙毅译,载《行政法论丛》第22卷,法律出版社2018年版,第261-293页。 (Ricardo Perlingeiro, “Contemporary Challenges in Latin American Administrative Justice”, trans. SUN Yi, in Administrative Law Review, Vol. 22, Law Press, 2018, pp. 261-293.) (Translation from English to Chinese)
  • SUN Yi, “The Role of International Human Rights Law in the Professionalization of Public Administration: The Right to a Fair Trial”, FICHL Policy Brief Series 62, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher (2016) (available at
  • 斯伟江、俞智渊、孙毅:《当代中国刑法与刑事政策的现实与前瞻》,载郭道晖等著:《中国法制百年经纬》,中国民主法制出版社2015年版,第245-276页。 (SI Weijiang, YU Zhiyuan, and SUN Yi, “Reality and Prospect of Contemporary Criminal Law and Policy in China”, in GUO Daohui, et al., Rule of Law in China: A Centennial Overview, China Democracy and Legal System Publishing House, Beijing, 2015, pp. 245-276.)
  • [奥] 伊丽莎白·史泰纳、陆海娜主编:《欧洲人权法院经典判例节选与分析第一卷:生命权》,知识产权出版社2016年版,第156-240页。 (Elisabeth STEINER, LU Haina (eds.), Selection and Analysis of Paradigm Cases of the European Court of Human Rights: Right to Life, Intellectual Property Publishing House, Beijing, 2016, pp. 156-240.) (Translation from English to Chinese)

