Jingzi Cui

Jingzi Cui is a Research Assistant and a PhD student at the Institute of East Asian Studies, University of Cologne. Her work focuses on the AI-assisted Sentencing System in Chinese Courts.
- Cui Jingzi (崔靖梓), ‘A Holistic Reinvention of the Right to Refusing Automated Decision-making (自动化决策拒绝权的整体主义实现)’, 2024(2) Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (华中科技大学学报), 99-111.
- Cui Jingzi (崔靖梓), ‘The Crisis and Countermeasures of Protection of Equality under the Challenges of Algorithmic Discrimination (算法歧视挑战下平等权保护的危机与应对)’, 2019 (3) Science of Law (法律科学), 29-42.