Marianne von Blomberg (Fellow)

Marianne von Blomberg is a research fellow and PhD candidate at the Chair of Chinese Legal Culture and a research associate at Bern University of Applied Sciences. She explores regulatory evolution, in particular assessment-based public regulation, and governance-related standardization in China. Her dissertation addresses the relationship of law and social credit and investigates how evolving social credit systems strengthen, weaken and transform traditional legality. She edits the blog of the European Chinese Law Studies Association ( of which she is an active member. Marianne holds an LL.M degree from Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, a BA in Communication and Cultural Studies from Zeppelin University in Friedrichshafen and was a visiting scholar at City University of Hong Kong School of Law. She worked and interned with several news outlets, the Jingling Law Firm for Criminal Defense, the Volkswagen Group, and the German Embassy in Ottawa.
Marianne von Blomberg (2023): Credibility Standards: A New Social Credit Mode of Regulation? China Information,
Marianne von Blomberg (2023): Book review “Social Credit: The Warring States of China's Emerging Data Empire by Vincent Brussee”, The China Quarterly,
Marianne von Blomberg & Björn Ahl (forthcoming): Debating the Legality of Social Credit in China – A Review of Chinese Legal Scholarship, The China Review.
Marianne von Blomberg & Jingyi von Strasser (2023): On ideology and constitutional review: The revision of the Legislation Law in the People’s Republic of China (in German), German Journal of Chinese Law (ZChinR), Vol. 30, No. 3-4 (2023), pp. 158-172.
Marianne von Blomberg & Wessel Reijers (2023): Who Deserves Credit? A Bank for the Virtuous in Rural China, Journal of Contemporary China,
Marianne von Blomberg & Haixu Yu (2023): Shaming the Untrustworthy and Paths to Relief in China’s Social Credit System, Modern China,
Marianne von Blomberg & Hannah Klöber (2022): Social Credit Dossiers in the Tradition of State-Administered Personal Files in China: Enhanced Transparency Through Legal Embeddedness? (in German), chapter in: Michael Friedewald et al. (eds.): Künstliche Intelligenz, Demokratie und Privatheit. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Marianne von Blomberg (2020): The Social Credit System and China’s Rule of Law, chapter in: Oliver Everling (ed.): Social Credit Rating, Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden, pp. 111-137.